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Eclairs and Lethal Layers (Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Book 5) Page 4
Eclairs and Lethal Layers (Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Book 5) Read online
Page 4
Meghan breathed a sigh of relief as Jack burst into the bakery. “What are you doing? Get off of her!”
Jack sprinted to Jeremy and smacked his arm away from Meghan. He wrestled Jeremy to the ground, pinning Jeremy’s muscular arms behind his back and wrangling handcuffs onto his wrists.
“That’s enough,” Jack spat at Jeremy. “I’ve been trying to find you all morning, and here you are, just waiting for me! And with your hands on my girl!”
Meghan’s heart fluttered as Jack called her his girl; their relationship had been moving slowly, and this declaration planted a seed of hope in her excited heart.
“Jack,” Meghan said softly as she waved her bruised hand in front of him. “He did this to me! Look at my hand.”
Jack kneeled down and stared at Jeremy. “You were just going in for some questioning, but now, I think we’ll add some charges to the list,” he said venomously. “You’re coming with me.”
Meghan lowered her shoulders in relief as Jack marched Jeremy out of the bakery. “I’ll call you in a few to check on you,” Jack assured Meghan as he left. “I’ll take care of this hoodlum.”
Meghan blew Jack a kiss as he walked outside, and she placed a hand on her heart as she replayed the scene that had just occurred in her bakery. “I can’t take another surprise today,” she whispered to herself. “There has been too much going on around here. I moved to Sandy Bay for some peace and quiet, and now, I feel like something is happening here every single week.”
“Yoo hoo!”
Meghan nearly jumped out of her skin as Kirsty Fisher, one of Sandy Bay’s most elegant ladies, sashayed into the bakery.
“Meghan, darling! It’s a pleasure to see you. You’re looking well,” Kirsty cooed as she bent down to kiss Meghan on both cheeks. “You’re just the woman I was looking for.”
Meghan groaned, but quickly sat up straight and forced herself to smile. “What can I do for you, Kirsty?”
Kirsty brushed a piece of lint off of her sweater and adjusted the string of pearls that hung just above her collar-bone. “I have a little favor…”
“You’ll be interested. Tomorrow, I am hosting a luncheon for the Sandy Bay Women in Business Forum, and I was wondering if perhaps you would mind giving a little speech? I was going to ask Stephanie Cameron to talk about her bakery, but, you know….”
Meghan grimaced. “Are you sure you want me there?”
Kirsty nodded. “Of course! A little speech from a young businesswoman would be nice….and perhaps a donation to accompany your chat? A donation of treats from Truly Sweet?”
Meghan sighed. “No problem, Kirsty,” she said slowly. “It would be a pleasure.”
“Wonderful! I’ll text you the details this evening,” Kirsty chirped as she tossed her blunt-bobbed hair. “Toodles!”
Meghan buried her head in her hands as Kirsty marched out the front door. “A little speech and some free treats,” she muttered as she laughed at Kirsty’s audacity. She admired Kirsty’s confidence and how she had a knack for twisting people’s arm to do what she wanted. She had once offered to help Kirsty with an event that ended up putting Meghan in a lot of trouble. They had since made up and she had come to understand that it was just Kirsty being Kirsty and she didn’t mean any harm. “What the heck! I might as well just see what this leads to. Who knows what will happen?”
T he number of women who packed the room for the Sandy Bay Women in Business Forum came as a surprise to Megan. The women in attendance looked the part and she was impressed by all the speakers who took the stage.
“And as women, we should always support our fellow women! Female entrepreneurship is one of the most important things we should be focusing on in our society, and we need to commit to each other, ladies!”
“Isn’t she spectacular?” Kayley whispered to Meghan as they watched the deputy chair of the Sandy Bay Women in Business Forum, Carol May, finish her impassioned speech.
“She’s a local banker who moved here years ago from Indiana. Rumor is that she worked with Stephanie Cameron in Indianapolis. Anyway, she is one powerful woman. I’m so happy she agreed to give the keynote address today for the event.”
Meghan smiled as Carol waved her hand in the air. Carol appeared to be in her mid-forties, but she had the energy and enthusiasm of a teenager, along with the refinement of a queen. Meghan was eager to formally meet her after the event, and she had begged Kayley to introduce them after Carol’s address.
“My bank will support any ventures of female entrepreneurs. That is my promise to you, ladies!” Carol announced to the audience of cheering women.
“She helped my cousin, Tara, get a loan to start her candle shop,” Kayley explained to Meghan as the crowd applauded. “I can’t wait to introduce you.”
After the address, Kayley whisked Meghan away to a corridor in the back of the auditorium.
“She’ll come this way when she walks off stage,” Kayley explained. “She’ll remember me from the real estate deal I did for her son last autumn, don’t you worry!”
Meghan smiled. “Thanks for offering to introduce me,” she said as she pulled Kayley into a hug. “Especially after my pups….”
“Don’t mention it,” Kayley responded as she snapped her gum. “Women need to support women, just like Carol said, yeah?”
Meghan grinned. “That’s right!”
Kayley nodded as thunderous applause signified the end of Carol’s speech. “Okay, look!” Kayley exclaimed. “There she is. She’s coming this way.”
As Carol walked down the corridor in her sleek green suit and matching skirt, Meghan could not help but to stare in awe. Carol walked with confidence, and she smiled graciously at everyone she passed. Meghan hoped that someday, she too would exude the same sort of elegance that Carol had.
“Hey! Carol!” Kayley called out as Carol passed. “Carol? It’s Kayley. Kayley Kane?”
Carol stopped in front of Kayley. “Kayley Kane!” Carol beamed. “So lovely to see you. How are you doing in that real estate business? I see your pretty, powerful face on all of the billboards in town. You must be doing well!”
Meghan smiled as Kayley blushed. “Business is going well,” she admitted. “And my cousin’s candle shop is thriving as well. You helped her get the loan to start her business.”
Carol nodded. “It’s always been my passion to help empower female business owners, and I was so pleased to help her.”
Kayley shoved Meghan in front of her. “Carol,” Kayley said. “This is my friend, Meghan Truman. She owns Truly Sweet, that bakery on the square.”
Carol took Meghan’s hands in hers and squeezed them. “Meghan Truman! What a thrill it is to meet you,” she purred as Meghan studied her face. “I was out of town when you started that bakery of yours, but I have just loved following its progress in the papers. You are quite the accomplished businesswoman in Sandy Bay.”
Meghan felt the color rise in her cheeks. “That is so kind of you to say,” she said to her. “It hasn’t been easy, but it has been worth it.”
Carol nodded. “It’s never easy being a woman in today’s world, but if we stick together, we can achieve great things.”
Kayley agreed. “Yes! And Meghan is accomplishing her own great things at the bakery. Rumor is she has a few corporate orders running right now?”
Meghan’s shoulders sagged. “I had some setbacks,” she admitted as Carol gave her a look of sympathy. “When Stephanie Cameron’s bakery opened, I lost some of my corporate orders. It’s been a slow run the last few weeks…”
Carol rolled her eyes. “I hate to sound naughty,” she whispered into Meghan’s ear as Meghan’s eyes widened. “But I have a little secret.”
Meghan leaned in. “What is that, Carol?”
Carol winked at Meghan. “I’ve tried desserts from poor Stephanie Cameron’s bakery, and I’ve had a few things from your place here and there, Meghan,” Carol began. “I m
ust say, that despite her successes, I truly thought that your treats and your bakery was--and is--better than Stephanie Cameron’s, bless her soul.”
Meghan could not keep the smile off of her face as Carol squeezed her hands. “I don’t mean to be irreverent of poor Stephanie, but your compliment means the world, Ms. May!” Meghan gushed.
“Please,” Carol insisted. “Call me Carol.”
“Carol,” she repeated. “Carol. Well, Carol, thank you for the kind words and for taking the time to talk with me. I loved your speech, and I can’t tell you how much your words inspired me to be the best businesswoman I can be!”
“Not a problem at all, dear,” she replied, winking once more at Meghan. “It’s truly sweet to impart wisdom upon young ladies such as yourself and Ms. Kane. Ladies, it’s been a pleasure. Have a wonderful day, and enjoy the rest of the event.”
Meghan’s jaw dropped as Carol floated away. “She’s amazing!”
Kayley placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. “That was weird,” she said as she furrowed her brow.
“What was weird?” Meghan asked as she turned to Kayley. “She was so gracious and nice.”
Kayley shook her head. “It doesn’t make sense….”
“What doesn’t make sense?”
Kayley wrinkled her nose. “What she whispered to you about Stephanie’s bakery….it didn’t make sense.”
Meghan cocked her head to the side. “What are you talking about, Kayley?”
Kayley pursed her lips. “It’s just weird that she would insult Stephanie’s bakery especially considering the fact that Carol May was Stephanie’s business partner.”
“A nd she said that Stephanie and Carol were business partners, Jack!” Meghan said into her cell phone as she walked home from the event. “I don’t understand.”
“It makes sense, Meghan,” Jack responded as Meghan twirled a loose strand of dark hair around her finger. “Carol May is one of Sandy Bay’s most influential female entrepreneurs. She loves taking an interest in businesswomen, and from what I know, she and Stephanie once worked together in Indianapolis. Their connection probably goes back way longer than we know. I wouldn’t sweat it.”
Meghan sighed. “You’re probably right,” she admitted. “I’m just trying to look at every angle here, Jack. Karen is still sitting in jail, and I’m on edge about her being with all of the criminals and crooks day after day.”
Jack laughed. “Oh, Karen Denton is being well-taken care of,” he assured Meghan. “Officer Nunan arranged for her to have a private room. It’s one of our nicer spots, and Karen has been doing plenty of yoga, pilates, and jump-roping.”
Meghan giggled. “That lady….she is something.”
Jack’s voice grew serious. “I do have something to tell you, though,” he said. “I think we’re on to the real culprit, Meghan.”
“What? Who do you think it is, Jack?” she asked.
“Jeremy. The ex. It just makes sense,” Jack explained. “He comes into town, he was still attached to Stephanie’s life insurance policy and from what my team has found out, he has a massive amount of debt waiting for him all across the Midwest! Jeremy has been in serious need of quick cash, and it seems likely, given his history, that he would use Stephanie to pay his way out of his messes.”
Meghan gasped. “That’s terrible! Who could do such a thing?”
Jack sighed. “The things people do these days, Meghan,” he replied sadly. “It’s awful how desperation can drive someone to do a terrible thing. I just hope we can charge him and move things along quickly. The DNA test still hasn’t come back yet, and we have to keep Karen until we have some hard evidence against Jeremy. It could still be a few days until we can let her out….”
Meghan groaned. “Ugh! Jack, are you sure Jeremy is the culprit?”
Jack cleared his throat. “What are you suggesting, Meghan?”
Meghan paused, taking a long inhale as she unlocked the front door to her bakery. “I just have a bad feeling about Jeremy, but I don’t think he killed Stephanie,” she confessed.
“Well, Detective Meghan, who do you think did it?” Jack asked. “Trudy? Karen?”
“I don’t know yet,” Meghan admitted. “But I will find out. Just give me some time, Jack. Give me some time, and I will find out who killed Stephanie Cameron.”
“Okay, Meghan,” he said slowly. “But be careful, please. I don’t want you to put yourself in any danger. I like having you around Sandy Bay, Meghan, and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you!”
“Don’t you worry about me, Jack,” she said confidently. “I’m brave, Jack Irvin. I’m braver than even I know, and I will find out who killed Stephanie Cameron, once and for all!”
A s Meghan hung up the phone with Jack, she glanced across the street at Duly Doux. It was nearly ten in the evening, but the lights were on.
“What is going on over there?” she asked herself as she walked back outside of Truly Sweet. “Jeremy is in jail right now, but is Trudy still over there at this time of night?”
Meghan gripped her phone tightly as she walked across the street. She slowly pushed open the door to Duly Doux and gasped. “Carol?”
Carol May stood in the middle of the bakery, her green outfit still looking fresh even after the long event. “Meghan Truman! Twice in one day. What a pleasure. What are you doing here?”
Meghan smiled at Carol and walked over to shake her hand. “I live across the street, just above my bakery,” she explained. “I saw that the lights were on over here, and I wanted to come check it out. I thought perhaps Trudy was over here?”
Carol shrugged. “Trudy? Hmmmm. She’s away, actually.”
“Oh!” Meghan replied. “That explains why I didn’t see her at the event tonight.”
Carol nodded. “I’m not sure if Kayley mentioned it, but I actually own part of this bakery,” she said softly as she looked around Duly Doux. “It’s such a shame that Stephanie met such a terrible end before she could get this place off of the ground. I came over to take a look around and to try and decide where to go from here. Do I sell this place? Do I keep it? Decisions, decisions!”
Meghan nodded sympathetically. “Her death was quite unexpected,” she said quietly. “She and I had some...words before her death. I try to be a friend to everyone, but I was frustrated with her. I think Stephanie copied down some of my recipes when I wasn’t looking, and from what I’ve been told, she used them in Duly Doux…”
Carol frowned. “Women can be so hard on each other,” she said, reaching to gently pat Meghan’s shoulder. “It’s hard to be a woman in business. I’m sure Stephanie was just jealous of your many successes. I’m terribly sorry she stooped to such a low level.”
Meghan smiled at Carol. “You’ve been so kind to me. I wish I had met you when I first moved here; I could have used all of your advice.”
Carol laughed. “I wish I had been here, but I think you have handled things well. Your business model seems to be working--despite the little Stephanie roadblock--and you seem like a nice girl. I think you’re going to be just fine.”
Meghan’s heart warmed as a loud pinging noise rang from the kitchen of Duly Doux. “Is that the oven?” Meghan asked Carol as she turned on her heel and walked into the kitchen. “I’ll go turn that off for you.”
“No!” Carol yelled, but it was too late; Meghan screamed as she turned into the kitchen and tripped over Trudy’s motionless body.
“Trudy? Trudy!” Meghan wailed. “Carol? What happened here?”
Carol sprinted to Meghan and tackled her, with Meghan consequently hitting her forehead on the edge of the counter.
“What are you doing?” she screamed as Carol pulled Meghan’s dark hair.
“You’ve seen too much,” Carol said matter-of-factly as she swung her legs around to straddle Meghan’s middle. “You can’t leave now, Meghan. I’m sorry. I truly liked you, but….”
Meghan coughed as the weight of C
arol’s body crushed her lungs. She looked over at Trudy’s body and saw a large bruise on her neck. Trudy was still, and her eyes were rolled back in her head.
“What did you do to her?” Meghan cried out as Carol tugged at her hair. “Why did you hurt her?”
Carol let go of Meghan’s hair and gazed down into her eyes. “She knew too much, too,” she answered. “Trudy was at the wrong place at the wrong time, just like you, Meghan.”
Meghan kicked and fought as Carol reached into her pocket for a long, pointed dagger. “You killed Stephanie, didn’t you, Carol?” Meghan asked as Carol grabbed for her throat. “You strangled her and left her here for Trudy to find!”